Conferences and research

Support of conferences, workshops, STSMs and research

Contracts and grants

Financial support and services of European contracts and grants

Students competitions

Sponsor of high school physics activities

Foundation "TCPA"

Established on 12.09.2002

Registered as a non-profit legal entity

Funding and support of Bulgarian students and scientists

Support of conferences and workshops


To establish and develop scientific centers based on its own programs and projects, and/or in cooperation with other Bulgarian and/or foreign institutions and legal entities.

To organize and assist in the organization of scientific forums, conferences, schools, workshops

Participation of Bulgarian scientists and students in various forms of scientific cooperation organized by other institutions, including short-term visits to Bulgarian and/or foreign institutions

Short and long term visits of foreign scientists to Bulgaria with the aim to popularize their work will popularize their research.

Development of activities related to modern science.